

Established in 1923, Legacy is one of Australia’s oldest and most trusted charities, which provides personalised support and services to the families of veterans of the Australian Defence Force who have given their lives or health for their country.

For 100 years, Legacy has been standing proudly as the only veteran service organisation in Australia dedicated solely to the care and support of our veterans’ families. Over 40 Legacy Clubs across Australia work to ensure our families receive the support they deserve.

In the trenches of the Western Front during World War I, a soldier said to his dying mate “I’ll look after the missus and kids”. This became known as The Promise – and it is still kept today. 

The range of services provided by Legacy is diverse with the individual needs of the families of veterans being met through: 

  • case management, 
  • referral pathways,
  • wellbeing,
  • financial assistance, 
  • advocacy, and, 
  • personalised care. 

The services are delivered through a network of dedicated volunteers known as Legatees who are supported by or help connect those in need to a team of social workers and mental health professionals. It is the Legatees who are the heart of Legacy and make us truly unique. Legatees are the backbone and have, since 1923, provided empathy and ‘lived experience’ to the families of veterans. For the families of our veterans, Legacy provides relief during times of trauma and offers the support needed to prevent any further injury or disadvantage. Further to this, Legacy provides the opportunity for the families to remember and honour their loved ones while ensuring we help them build a brighter future.

To learn more about the services Legacy provides, and if you require support, please visit www.legacy.com.au

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